Faculty/Staff Directory
To locate a Cisco College Faculty or Staff member choose the letter of his or her last name below. To reach a member of the Cisco College Faculty or Staff by phone dial the number for the camps shown below with the corresponding extension.
Abilene Campus: dial (325) 794-XXXX
Cisco Campus: dial (254) 442-XXXX
*For Curriculum vitae, click on the professor's name
Jump to a Section
Name | Title | Campus | Extension | |
Abel, Sandy | Adjunct Instructor - Music | Abilene | 4573 | sandy.abel@cisco.edu |
Abila, Staci | Adjunct Instructor - Nursing | Abilene | staci.abila@cisco.edu | |
Abilene Bookstore | Abilene | 4451 | bookstore@cisco.edu | |
Abilene Business Office | Abilene | 4404 | ||
Abilene Front Desk | Abilene | 4580/4590 | ||
Abilene Library | Abilene | 4481 | ||
Abilene Testing Center | Abilene | 4458 | testing@cisco.edu | |
Adams, Casey | Adjunct Business Instructor | |||
Alexander, Taylor | Director of Clinical Education | Taylor.Alexander@cisco.edu | ||
Allen, Amy | Dual Credit Specialist | Abilene | Amy.allen@cisco.edu | |
Allen, Matt | Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Welding | Jim Ned HS | matt.allen@cisco.edu | |
Alvarez, Stacie | Adjunct Instructor - Medical Assisting | Abilene | stacie.alvarez@cisco.edu | |
Anderson, Ginger | IASC Coordinator | ginger.anderson@cisco.edu | ||
Anderson, Robert | Director of Plant Operations | Cisco | 5199 | robert.anderson@cisco.edu |
Anglin, Thad | President | Cisco | 5113 | presidents.office@cisco.edu |
Ankner, Sarah | Financial Aid Counselor | Abilene | 4423 | sarah.ankner@cisco.edu |
Baker, Christina | Assistant Basketball Coach | Cisco | christina.baker@cisco.edu | |
Ballard, Alyssa | Part-Time Library Assistant | Abilene | alyssa.ballard@cisco.edu | |
Balli, Taylor | Professor - Nursing | taylor.balli@cisco.edu | ||
Barnett, Rebecca | VN Remediation Specialist | Abilene | Rebecca.barnett@cisco.edu | |
Barron, Felicia | Professor of Biology | Cisco | 5187 | felicia.barron@cisco.edu |
Barry, Melody | Adjunct Vocational Nursing Instructor | Abilene | melody.barry@cisco.edu | |
Bass, Lauri | Adjunct Nursing Instructor | Abilene | lauri.bass@cisco.edu | |
Batteas, Renee | Director of Accounting | Cisco | 5123 | renee.batteas@cisco.edu |
Beggs, Anthony | Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Welding | Coleman HS | anthony.beggs@cisco.edu | |
Bell, Tom | Professor of English | Abilene | 4473 | tom.bell@cisco.edu |
Berezin, Andrew | Adjunct Instructor - Biology | Andrew.Berezin@cisco.edu | ||
Berry, James | Professor of Criminal Justice | Abilene | 4434 | james.berry@cisco.edu |
Best, Charles (Calvin) | Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - History | Gorman HS | charles.best@cisco.edu | |
Betteridge, Amberly | Adjunct French Instructor | Abilene | amberly.betteridge@cisco.edu | |
Beyer, Scott | Adjunct Instructor - Welding | Abilene | scott.beyer@cisco.edu | |
Biesemeyer, Chad | Assistant Rodeo Coach | Cisco | chad.biesmeyer@cisco.edu | |
Bishop, Rachel | Pharmacy Technology Professor | Abilene | rachel.bishop@cisco.edu | |
Blackstock, Renee | Adjunct Instructor - Music | Cisco | joyrenee.blackstock@cisco.edu | |
Bland, Liberty | Adjunct Business Professor | liberty.bland@cisco.edu | ||
Boen, Jackson | Professor - Business | Abilene | jackson.boen@cisco.edu | |
Bontke, Tara | Nursing Simulation Professor | Abilene | tara.bontke@cisco.edu | |
Boudreau, Deborah | Admin Assistant to Dean of Workforce & Economic Development | Abilene | deborah.boudreau@cisco.edu | |
Boudreau, Larry Duane | Welding Professor | Abilene | duane.boudreau@cisco.edu | |
Boynton, Lindsay | Testing Center Proctor | Abilene | lindsay.boynton@cisco.edu | |
Bradford, Michaela | Counselor | Cisco | 5024 | Michaela.Bradford@cisco.edu |
Bralley, Tianay | Director of Dual Credit | Abilene | 4510 | tianay.bralley@cisco.edu |
Briggs, Derek | Adjunct Instructor - Fire Technology | Abilene | derek.briggs@cisco.edu | |
Brookey, Cindy | Professor of English | Abilene | 4419 | cindy.brookey@cisco.edu |
Brown, Jessica | Financial Aid Counselor | Cisco | 5128 | jessica.brown@cisco.edu |
Brown, KaDence | Business Services Bookkeeper | Abilene | kadence.brown@cisco.edu | |
Brown, Zach | Student Services Specialist I | Abilene | zachary.brown@cisco.edu | |
Bruce, Les | Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Criminal Justice | Abilene HS | les.bruce@cisco.edu | |
Brunett, John | Adjunct Instructor - Fire Technology | Abilene | john.brunett@cisco.edu | |
Bryant, Myleakay | Cosmetology Professor | Cisco | myleakay.bryant@cisco.edu | |
Bryant, Rhonda | Director / Professor of Cosmetology | Cisco | 5190 | rhonda.bryant@cisco.edu |
Buchanan, Audrey | Professor of English | Abilene | 4535 | audrey.buchanan@cisco.edu |
Burchell, Sherry | Career Services Coordinator | Abilene | 4464 | sherry.burchell@cisco.edu |
Burnham, Andrew | Dorm Supervisor | Cisco | andrew.burnham@cisco.edu | |
Cafeteria | Cisco | 5017 | ||
Callahan, Crystal | Adjunct Instructor - Nursing | Abilene | 0529 | crystal.callahan@cisco.edu |
Caraway, John | Professor - History & Political Science | Abilene/Cisco | 4546 | john.caraway@cisco.edu |
Carney, Vicki | Library Tech Assistant I | Cisco | 5025 | vicki.carney@cisco.edu |
Carpenter, David | PT Pease Officer | Cisco | david.carpenter@cisco.edu | |
Carpenter, Paula | Testing Center Coordinator | Cisco | 5020 | paula.carpenter@cisco.edu |
Carruthers, Robert | Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Education | Woodson ISD | robert.carruthers@cisco.edu | |
Carrillo, Odalis | Assistant Basketball Coach / Dorm Supervisor | Cisco | odalis.carrillo@cisco.edu | |
Carson, Rebecca | Adjunct Instructor - Psychology | Abilene | rebecca.carson@cisco.edu | |
Caton, Sheron | Director of Distance Education | Abilene | 4530 | sheron.caton@cisco.edu |
Ceniceros, Justin | Professor - Biology | Cisco | 5185 | justin.ceniceros@cisco.edu |
Certified Nursing Assistant/CMA | Abilene | 4408 | ||
Chandrasekharan, Nirmala | Professor of Chemistry | Cisco/Abilene | 4515/5027 | nirmala.chandrasekharan@cisco.edu |
Channell, Bryce | Instructor - Fire Technology / Fire Academy | bryce.channell@cisco.edu | ||
Childers, Essie | Adjunct Instructor - Education | essie.childers@cisco.edu | ||
Childers, Mathew | Adjunct CST Clinical Instructor | Mathew.childers@cisco.edu | ||
Churchill, James | Professor of English | Abilene | 4442 | james.churchill@cisco.edu |
Cisco Bookstore | Cisco | 5138 | bookstore@cisco.edu | |
Cisco Bookstore Snack Room | Cisco | 5159 | ||
Cisco Library | Cisco | 5026 | ||
Cisco Testing Center | Cisco | 5020 | testing@cisco.edu | |
Clark, Donna | Director of Library Services | Cisco | 5026 | donna.clark@cisco.edu |
Clark, Jerry | Adjunct Instructor - HVAC | Abilene | jerry.clark@cisco.edu | |
Clark, Molly | Online Adjunct Instructor - Math | molly.clark@cisco.edu | ||
Cline, Michelle | Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Education | Throckmorton | michelle.cline@cisco.edu | |
Cluck Residence Hall | Cisco | 5093 | ||
Cohen, Amy | Counselor/Professor of Health Sciences & Child Development | Abilene | 4573 | amy.cohen@cisco.edu |
Compton, Andrea | Library Reference & Research Assistant | Abilene | 4481 | andrea.compton@cisco.edu |
Compton, Grant | Adjunct Instructor - Psychology/Education | grant.compton@cisco.edu | ||
Cooksey, Dusty (Blu) | Adjunct Instructor - Philosophy | Abilene | dusty.cooksey@cisco.edu | |
Cosmetology | Cisco | 5055 | ||
Cottrell, Bryan | Dean of Student Services | Cisco | 5173 | bryan.cottrell@cisco.edu |
Crockett, Elizabeth (Rene) | Head Volleyball Coach | Cisco | elizabeth.crockett@cisco.edu | |
Cozart, Helen | Adjunct Instructor - History | Cisco | helen.cozart@cisco.edu | |
Cress, Rebecca | Adjunct Vocational Nursing Instructor | Abilene | rebecca.cress@cisco.edu | |
Cuellar, Andrea | Assistant Softball Coach / Dorm Supervisor | Cisco | andrea.cuellar@cisco.edu | |
Cumby, Judy | Adjunct Instructor - English & DE English | Abilene | 4444 | judy.cumby@cisco.edu |
Cunningham, Tracey | Simulation Coordinator | Abilene | tracey.cunningham@cisco.edu | |
Custer, Robert | Dual Credit Instructor - HVAC/R | Abilene | robert.custer@cisco.edu | |
Dailey, Bill | Professor of HVAC | Abilene | 4570 | bill.dailey@cisco.edu |
Davis, Cassidy | IASC Coordinator | cassidy.davis@cisco.edu | ||
Davis, Steven | Adjunct Professor - Chemistry Lab | Abilene | steven.davis@cisco.edu | |
Dembach, Patrick | Adjunct Instructor - English/German | Abilene | pat.dembach@cisco.edu | |
Dempsey, Herman (Brack) | Adjunct Instructor - Criminal Justice | Abilene | herman.dempsey@cisco.edu | |
Director of Nursing | Abilene | 4456 | ||
Dita, Cristina | Professor of Engineering & Mathematics | Abilene | 4424 | cristina.dita@cisco.edu |
Dodson, Jerry | Vice President for Student Services | Cisco | 5152 | jerry.dodson@cisco.edu |
Dorn, Paris | Adjunct - Nursing | Abilene | Paris.dorn@cisco.edu | |
Dorn, Pam | Professor - Vocational Nursing | Abilene | 4446 | pam.dorn@cisco.edu |
Douglas, Cathy | Testing Center Support | Abilene | 4570 | cathy.douglas@cisco.edu |
Dycus, Leigh | Counselor | Cisco | 5023 | leigh.dycus@cisco.edu |
Dyer, Cathlene | Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - English | Baird HS | cathlene.dyer@cisco.edu |
Name | Title | Campus | Extension | |
Eddleman, Don | Professor of Agriculture / Rodeo | Cisco | 5012 | don.eddleman@cisco.edu |
Eddleman, Pam | Rodeo Assistant | Cisco | pamala.eddleman@cisco.edu | |
Elkins, Stacey | Director of Wrangler Belles Dance / Drill Team | Cisco | stacey.elkins@cisco.edu | |
Elliott, Adrienne | Clinical Adjunct - Respiratory Care | Abilene | adrienne.elliott@cisco.edu | |
Ellis, Tacy | Adjunct Dual Credit English Professor | tacy.ellis@cisco.edu | ||
Evans, Alison | Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - English | Hamlin HS | alison.evans@cisco.edu | |
Evans, Thomas | Adjunct Instructor - Art | Abilene | thomas.evans@cisco.edu | |
Evett, Shawn | Library Reference/Research Assistant III | Cisco | shawn.evett@cisco.edu | |
Fambrough, Blake | Adjunct Instructor - Personal Finance | blake.fambrough@cisco.edu | ||
Fairss, Dakota | Adjunct Welding Instructor | Dakota.Fariss@cisco.edu | ||
Farmer, Amanda | Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - English | Breckenridge HS | amanda.farmer@cisco.edu | |
Farmer, Tom | Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Welding | Eula HS | tom.farmer@cisco.edu | |
Financial Aid - Cisco | Cisco | 5153 | ||
Fink, Robert | Adjunct Instructor - History | robert.fink@cisco.edu | ||
Finley, James | Adjunct Instructor - Psychology | Abilene | jim.finley@cisco.edu | |
Freeman, Garlon (Dale) | Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Math | Leuders-Avoca HS | dale.freeman@cisco.edu | |
Frizzell, Zack | Adjunct Instructor - Drama | Cisco | zack.frizzell@cisco.edu | |
Frizzell, Jodi | Professor of Art / Fine Arts Division Chair | Abilene | jodi.frizzell@cisco.edu | |
Gallegos, George | Maintenance | Cisco | george.gallegos@cisco.edu | |
Ganassi, Douglas | Men's Head Athletic Trainer | Cisco | douglas.ganassi@cisco.edu | |
Gaspar, Kristina | Adjunct Instructor - English | Abilene | kristina.gaspar@cisco.edu | |
Geisler, William | Adjunct Instructor - Philosophy & Government | Abilene | will.geisler@cisco.edu | |
Gerhart, Cathy | Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Science | Clyde ISD | cathy.gerhart@cisco.edu | |
Geye, Gretchin | Adjunct Instructor - Biology | Online | gretchin.geye@cisco.edu | |
Godi, Kelli | Student Activities Coordinator | Cisco | 5135 | kelli.godi@cisco.edu |
Golson, Randy | Professor - History & Government | Cisco/Abilene | 5162/4563 | randy.golson@cisco.edu |
Gomez, Sam | Academic Support Specialist | Abilene | 4421 | samantha.gomez@cisco.edu |
Gonzalez, Orlando | Adjunct Instructor - Industrial Technology | Abilene | orlando.gonzalez@cisco.edu | |
Grant, Linda | Adjunct Instructor - Psychology | Abilene | linda.grant@cisco.edu | |
Gray, Jeanna | Adjunct Vocational Nursing | Abilene | Jeanna.gray@cisco.edu | |
Grissom, Kendra | Adjunct Instructor - Biology | Abilene | kendra.grissom@cisco.edu | |
Grubbs, Lori | Dean of Enrollment / Adjunct Instructor - Psychology & Education | Cisco/Abilene | 5134/4488 | lori.grubbs@cisco.edu |
Grubbs, Lynlee | PT Admissions Assistant | Cisco | lynlee.grubbs@cisco.edu | |
Guthrie, Montie | Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Government | Abilene HS | montie.guthrie@cisco.edu | |
Hadaway, Nole | Professor of Economics | Abilene | nole.hadaway@cisco.edu | |
Hagood, William | Professor of History | Cisco | 5164 | william.hagood@cisco.edu |
Hallmark, Devyn | Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - English | Santa Anna ISD | devyn.hallmark@cisco.edu | |
Hamman, Jennifer | Director of Human Resources | Cisco | 5121 | Jennifer.Hamman@cisco.edu |
Hanson, Douglas | Adjunct Dual Credit Biology | Douglas.Hanson@cisco.edu | ||
Hargrove, Hope | Adjunct Instructor - Humanities & Theatre | Online | hope.hargrove@cisco.edu | |
Harriman, Brian | Accounts Payable Specialist | 4508 | Brian.harriman@cisco.edu | |
Harris, Paul | Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Government | Haskell HS | paul.harris@cisco.edu | |
Hart, Ouida | Adjunct Associate Degree Nursing Clinical Instructor | Ouida.hart@cisco.edu | ||
Hatton, Lauren | Professor of Biology | Cisco | 5163 | lauren.hatton@cisco.edu |
Help Desk - IT Department | Cisco/Abilene | 5010 | helpdesk@cisco.edu | |
Hendrick, Jay | Adjunct Art Instructor | jay.hendrick@cisco.edu | ||
Henson, Jesse (Bud) | Maintenance | Cisco | 5046 | jesse.henson@cisco.edu |
Hester, Kristopher | Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Fire Academy | Abilene | kristopher.hester@cisco.edu | |
Hill, Judy | Adjunct Instructor - English | Abilene | judy.hill@cisco.edu | |
Hogan, David | Adjunct Instructor - Mathematics | Abilene | david.hogan@cisco.edu | |
Hogan, Kenneth | Adjunct Instructor - Real Estate | Abilene | kenneth.hogan@cisco.edu | |
Holton, Ginger | Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Agriculture | Cisco ISD | ginger.holton@cisco.edu | |
Hood, LexAnn | Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Biology | ACHS | lex.hood@cisco.edu | |
Horst, Rose | IASC Coordinator | rose.horst@cisco.edu | ||
Hossain, Sayed | Adjunct Professor - Business | sayed.hossain@cisco.edu | ||
Hughes, Stephanie | Adjunct Instructor - Criminal Justice | Abilene | stephanie.hughes@cisco.edu | |
Humiston, Jarrod | Senior System Administrator | Cisco | 5010 | jarrod.humiston@cisco.edu |
Hunter, Youlanda | Adjunct Early Childhood Education Professor | Abilene | Youlanda.hunter@cisco.edu | |
Hutchins, Ronnie | Professor - Nursing | Abilene | 4565 | ronnie.hutchins@cisco.edu |
Hutt, Jason | Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - History | Jim Ned HS | jason.hutt@cisco.edu | |
Ivie, Bob | System Administrator | Cisco | 5010 | bob.ivie@cisco.edu |
Name | Title | Campus | Extension | |
Jackson, Bea | Professor of Biology | Abilene | 4512 | elsie.jackson@cisco.edu |
Jackson, Beth | Dean of Instruction / Professor of Mathematics | Abilene | 4468 | beth.jackson@cisco.edu |
Jackson, David | Professor of Mathematics | Abilene | 4471 | david.jackson@cisco.edu |
Jacobs, Bethney | Professor of English | Cisco | 5179 | bethney.jacobs@cisco.edu |
Jacques, Shelley | Adjunct Nurse Aid Educator | Abilene | 4452 | shelley.jacques@cisco.edu |
Jarrett, Terry | Skilled Maintenance | Cisco | terry.jarrett@cisco.edu | |
Jones, Mark | Assistant Baseball Coach | Cisco | mark.jones@cisco.edu | |
Kaska, Kyndall | Professor - Mathematics | Cisco | 5149 | kyndall.kaska@cisco.edu |
Keller, Olivia | PT Admissions Clerk | Cisco | olivia.keller@cisco.edu | |
Keller, Wendy | HR / Payroll Coordinator | Cisco | 5116 | wendy.keller@cisco.edu |
Kelsey, Michelle | Adjunct Instructor- BCIS | michelle.kelsey@cisco.edu | ||
Kemp, Deborah | Adjunct Instructor - Biology | Abilene | deborah.kemp@cisco.edu | |
Kennedy, Kathy | Adjunct Instructor - Government/History | Abilene | kathy.kennedy@cisco.edu | |
Kimball, Brock | Head Women's Basketball Coach | Cisco | brock.kimball@cisco.edu | |
Kind, Karisa | Custodian | Abilene | karisa.kinard@cisco.edu | |
Kingston, Misti | Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Math | Abilene HS | misti.kingston@cisco.edu | |
Adjunct Early Childhood Education Professor | Abilene | paula.kinslow@cisco.edu | ||
Kuykendall, Brittany | Adjunct Welding Professor | Brittany.kuykendall@cisco.edu | ||
Landenberger, Gaye | Assistant System Administrator - IT | Cisco | 5010 | gaye.landenberger@cisco.edu |
Lang, Donna | Adjunct Dual Credit Nursing | donna.lang@cisco.edu | ||
Laws, Zane | Professor of Biology & Chemistry/Science Division Chair | Abilene | 4461 | zane.laws@cisco.edu |
Leal, Mia | Assistant Soccer & Cross Country Coach / Dorm Supervisor | Cisco | mia.leal@cisco.edu | |
Leal, Rodolfo | Adjunct Dual Credit Welding | Rodolfo.leal@cisco.edu | ||
Leath, Karen | Testing Center Administrator | Abilene | 4458 | karen.leath@cisco.edu |
Leath, Randy | Academic Counselor | Abilene | 4407 | randy.leath@cisco.edu |
Leath, Renee | Industrial CTE Counselor / Disability Services Coordinator | Abilene | 4405 | renee.leath@cisco.edu |
LeCroy, Cody | Head Softball Coach | Cisco | cody.lecroy@cisco.edu | |
Lehman, Sandra | Adjunct Business Computer Applications Instructor | Sandra.lehman@cisco.edu | ||
Library - Abilene | Abilene | 4481 | ||
Library - Cisco | Cisco | 5026 | ||
Little, Meredith | Professor - History / Government | meredith.little@cisco.edu | ||
Little, Timothy | Adjunct Instructor - Education | Dual Credit | timothy.little@cisco.edu | |
Long, Tracy | Adjunct Instructor - Government | Abilene | tracy.long@cisco.edu | |
Lopez, Ricardo | Veteran Services/Student Services Specialist | Abilene | 4465 | rick.lopez@cisco.edu |
Maintenance | Cisco | 5046 | ||
Malone, Benjamin | Adjunct Instructor - Government | Online | benjamin.malone@cisco.edu | |
Marks, Rick | Dean of Workforce and Economic Development | Abilene | 4449 | rick.marks@cisco.edu |
Martinez, Manuel | Band Director | Cisco | 5125 | manuel.martinez@cisco.edu |
Mask, Chelsea | Nursing Adjunct | Abilene | chelsea.mask@cisco.edu | |
Mason, Julia | Adjunct Instructor - Mathematics | Baird | ||
Massey, Beverly | Director of Purchasing & Payment Services / Yoga Instructor | Abilene | 4433 | beverly.massey@cisco.edu |
Mazey, Jennifer | Surgical Technology Program Director | Abilene | 4436 | jennifer.mazey@cisco.edu |
Mazey, Zachary | Director of Campus Police | Cisco | 5034 | zachary.mazey@cisco.edu |
McClure, Heather | Vice President of Instruction / SACSCOC Liaison | Abilene | 4401 | heather.mcclure@cisco.edu |
McCandless, Trinity | IT Technician | Abilene | 5010 | trinity.mccandless@cisco.edu |
McKendree, Mary | Professor of Sociology | Cisco | 5166 | mary.mckendree@cisco.edu |
McMichael, Kelly | Adjunct Instructor - History | Online | kelly.mcmichael@cisco.edu | |
Melin, Madison | PT Library Reference Assistant | Abilene | madison.melin@cisco.edu | |
Memorial Residence Hall | Cisco | 5094 | ||
Mendenhall, Christina | Director of Academic Support / Title IX Coordinator | Abilene | 4406 | christina.mendenhall@cisco.edu |
Merritt, Pearl | Dean of Nursing Reg Dean of Nursing - TTUHSC | Abilene | 4437 | pearl.merritt@cisco.edu |
Meyers, Klarissa | Library Manager | Abilene | klarissa.meyers@cisco.edu | |
Miller, J. Patrick | Adjunct Instructor - Physics | Abilene | patrick.miller@cisco.edu | |
Miller, Mike | Adjunct Instructor - Fire Academy | Abilene | mike.miller@cisco.edu | |
Miller, Robert | Level I Technical Specialist | Cisco | 5010 | Robert.Miller@cisco.edu |
Mims, Charles | Adjunct Dual Credit Welding | Charles.mims@cisco.edu | ||
Moore, Carin (Daleca) | Adjunct Instructor - Real Estate | Abilene | carin.moore@cisco.edu | |
Moore, Dustin | Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Welding | Wylie HS | dustin.moore@cisco.edu | |
Moore, Justin | Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Welding | Panther Creek HS | justin.moore@cisco.edu | |
Moreno, Taylor | Adjunct Early Childhood Education Professor | Abilene | Taylor.Moreno@cisco.edu | |
Morgan, Anna | Professor - ADN Nursing | Abilene | 4445 | anna.morgan@cisco.edu |
Morris, Teresa | Maintenance | Cisco | ||
Morrow, Jessica | Mathematics Division Chair / Professor of Mathematics | Abilene | 4519 | jessica.morrow@cisco.edu |
Mullinax, Catherine | Professor of English | Cisco | 5171 | catherine.mullinax@cisco.edu |
Munshower, Stephanie | Nursing Adjunct / ADN Clinical Professor | Abilene | stephanie.munshower@cisco.edu | |
Murphy, Tim | Executive Director of Information Technology | Cisco | 5133 | tim.murphy@cisco.edu |
Name | Title | Campus | Exetension | |
Nance Residence Hall 1st Floor | Cisco | 5044 | ||
Nance Residence Hall 2nd Floor | Cisco | 5045 | ||
New, Katie | Professor of English | Abilene | 4462 | katie.new@cisco.edu |
Newell, Shawn | Adjunct Dual Credit English | Shawn.newell@cisco.edu | ||
Newman, Erin | Adjunct Nursing Instructor | erin.newman@cisco.edu | ||
Newman, Mary | Adjunct Instructor - English | Abilene | mary.newman@cisco.edu | |
Nichols, Michele | Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Biology | Albany HS | michele.nichols@cisco.edu | |
Nickerson, Natalie (Comer) | Financial Aid Counselor | Abilene | 4412 | natalie.nickerson@cisco.edu |
Norton, Jon | Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Biology / Chemistry | Albany HS | jon.norton@cisco.edu | |
Norton, Mary | Adjunct Science Biology | Mary.norton@cisco.edu | ||
Odom, Rebecca | Writing Center | Cisco | rebecca.odom@cisco.edu | |
Owen, Elaine | Adjunct Instructor - Medical Assisting & Nursing | Abilene | elaine.owen@cisco.edu | |
Packer, Jay | Adjunct Dual Credit Biology Instructor | jay.packer@cisco.edu | ||
Perez, Yvonne | Adjunct Instructor - Math | yvonne.perez@cisco.edu | ||
Perkins, Rebecca | Retention Specialist / ADN Nursing | Abilene | rebecca.perkins@cisco.edu | |
Adjunct Dual Credit Spanish | wendi.petty@cisco.edu | |||
Pilot, Lewis | Adjunct Instructor - Music | Abilene | lewis.pilot@cisco.edu | |
Pipkin, Rhonda | Adjunct Instructor- Psychology | rhonda.pipkin@cisco.edu | ||
Pitts, Gordon | HVAC Professor | gordon.pitts@cisco.edu | ||
Pitts, Sarah | Professor of Speech & Sociology | Abilene | sarah.pitts@cisco.edu | |
Posey, Jinger | Print Shop/Human Resource Specialist | Cisco | 5170 Print Shop / 5145 HR | jinger.posey@cisco.edu |
Posey, Judy | Bursar | Cisco | 5118 | judy.posey@cisco.edu |
Postuma, Austin | Executive Administrative Assistant to the Vice President of Instruction | Abilene | 4402 | austin.postuma@cisco.edu |
Powell, Steve | Financial Aid Software Support | Cisco | 5151 | steve.powell@cisco.edu |
President's Hall 1st Floor | Cisco | 5041 | ||
President's Hall 2nd Floor | Cisco | 5042 | ||
Prichard, Jennifer | Adjunct Instructor - History | Abilene | jennifer.prichard@cisco.edu | |
Purcell, Beth | Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - History & Art | Rule HS | beth.purcell@cisco.edu | |
Rabb, Sydni | Executive Assistant to the President & Board of Regents | Cisco | 5113 | sydni.rabb@cisco.edu |
Ralph, Katie | Adjunct Instructor - Spanish & History | Abilene | katie.ralph@cisco.edu | |
Reddin, Michael | Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Welding | Baird HS | michael.reddin@cisco.edu | |
Reeves, Gina | Maintenance | Cisco | 5046 | gina.reeves@cisco.edu |
Reeves, Jesse | Maintenance | Cisco | 5046 | jesse.reeves@cisco.edu |
Regian, David | Grounds Maintenance | Cisco | 5046 | david.regian@cisco.edu |
Reichert, Brian | Adjunct Instructor - Organization Behavior | Abilene | brian.reichert@cisco.edu | |
Reynolds, Jacob | Adjunct Instructor - Economics | Abilene | jacob.reynolds@cisco.edu | |
Richie, Cameron | Business Services Bookkeeper | Abilene | cameron.richie@cisco.edu | |
Rickman, Diane | Adjunct Instructor - Nursing Programs | Abilene | diane.rickman@cisco.edu | |
Rieken, Chance | Dorm Supervisor | Cisco | ||
Riggins, Scott | Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Fire Academy | Abilene | scott.riggins@cisco.edu | |
Adjunct Respiratory Care Instructor | Abilene | tandi.riley@cisco.edu | ||
Ritchie, Rachel | Professor of Biology | Abilene | 4429 | rachel.ritchie@cisco.edu |
Ritchie, Rebecca | Distance Education Specialist | Abilene | rebecca.ritchie@cisco.edu | |
Rivera, Sera | Adjunct Dual Credit Cosmetology | sera.rivera@cisco.edu | ||
Rizzio, Charlie | Head Football Coach | Charlie.Rizzio@cisco.edu | ||
Robbins, Kay | Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - History | ACHS | kay.robbins@cisco.edu | |
Robertson, Lissa | PT Dual Credit Specialist | Abilene | lissa.robertson@cisco.edu | |
Rogers, Alisha | Dual Credit Adjunct - Biology | alisha.rogers@cisco.edu | ||
Rolison, Crystal | Professor of Speech | Abilene | 4422 | crystal.church@cisco.edu |
Rust, Caren (Joann) | Adjunct Lab Instructor | Cisco | caren.rust@cisco.edu | |
Sartor, Stephanie | Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Math | Merkel HS | stephanie.sartor@cisco.edu | |
Shawna, Sanzo | Adjunct English Instructor | |||
Schaefer, Robert | PT Security | Cisco | robert.schaefer@cisco.edu | |
Sellers, Carol | Vocational Nursing Adjunct | Abilene | carol.sellers@cisco.edu | |
Sellers, Linda | Director of Financial Aid | Cisco/Abilene | 5155/4412 | linda.sellers@cisco.edu |
Shoemake, Jennifer | Adjunct Instructor - Sociology | Abilene | jennifer.shoemake@cisco.edu | |
Short, Steven | Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Welding | Abilene ISD | steven.short@cisco.edu | |
Shott, Amy | Business Office | Cisco | 5119 | amy.shott@cisco.edu |
Shupe, Staci | Professor of Government & History | Abilene | 4428 | staci.shupe@cisco.edu |
Sigler, Brian | Assistant System Administrator - IT | Abilene | 5010 | brian.sigler@cisco.edu |
Simmons, T.J. | Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Phlebotomy | Abilene ISD | tj.simmons@cisco.edu | |
Simpson, Ashley | Adjunct Instructor - English | Abilene | ashley.simpson@cisco.edu | |
Simpson, Robert | Adjunct Instructor - Respiratory | Abilene | robert.simpson@cisco.edu | |
Slack, Scott | Adjunct Fire Technology | Scott.slack@cisco.edu | ||
Smith, Anthony (Kyle) | Professor of English | Abilene | 4574 | kyle.smith@cisco.edu |
Smith, Shane | Assistant Football Coach | Cisco | shane.smith@cisco.edu | |
Snyder, | Professor of Psychology / Social Sciences Division Chair | Cisco/Abilene | 5168 | |
Sowell, Jackie | Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - English | Santa Anna HS | jackie.sowell@cisco.edu | |
Sowell, Paul Matthew | Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Music | matthew.sowell@cisco.edu | ||
Spears, Jamilah | Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Speech | jamilah.spears@cisco.edu | ||
Spetter, Linda | Professor of English & Communication | Cisco | 5043 | linda.spetter@cisco.edu |
Stanson, Daniel | Automotive Professor | Abilene | daniel.stanson@cisco.edu | |
Starkey Lanham, Sarah | Assistant Business Programmer / Analyst | Abilene / Cisco | sarah.starkeylanham@cisco.edu | |
Stephenson, Dana | PT Security Guard | Cisco | ||
Stewart, Michaela | Adjunct Instructor - Psychology | Abilene | michaela.stewart@cisco.edu | |
Stewart, Samuel | Library Reference Assistant / ILL | Cisco | 5011 | samuel.stewart@cisco.edu |
Stovall, Jessica | Assistant Cosmetology Instructor | Cisco | jessica.stovall@cisco.edu | |
Student Success Programs Office | Abilene/Cisco | 4439/5022 | ||
Student Union Building | Cisco | 5137 | ||
Suits, Peyton | Adjunct Instructor-Business | peyton.suits@cisco.edu | ||
Sullivan, Reagan | Assistant Football Coach / Dorm Supervisor | Cisco | reagan.sullivan@cisco.edu | |
Sullivan, Richard | Adjunct Dual Credit Biology | Richard.sullivan@cisco.edu |
Name | Title | Campus | Extention | |
Tate, Curtis | Adjunct Instructor - History | Abilene | curtis.tate@cisco.edu | |
Taylor, Audra | Vice President of Business Services / Chief Financial Officer | Cisco | 5117 | audra.taylor@cisco.edu |
Taylor, Paula | Adjunct Instructor Spanish | Online | paula.taylor@cisco.edu | |
Terry, Brandi | Professor of Agriculture, Meat Judging Coach / Agriculture & Business Division Chair | Abilene | 4455 | brandi.terry@cisco.edu |
Thompson, Katie | Financial Aid Counselor | Cisco | 5150 | katie.thompson@cisco.edu |
Thompson, Michael | Adjunct Instructor - Criminal Justice | Abilene | michael.thompson@cisco.edu | |
Timerson, Kristi | Student Services Assistant / Recruiter | Cisco | 5178 | ktimerson@cisco.edu |
Tompkins, Sherri | Professor of Mathematics | Abilene | 1478 | sherri.tompkins@cisco.edu |
Torres, Kimberly | Professor of English | Abilene | 4426 | kimberly.torres@cisco.edu |
Transcript Clerk | Admissions Office | Cisco | 5108 | |
Trussell, David | Professor of Government & History | Cisco | 4563 | david.trussell@cisco.edu |
Tucker, Susan | Admissions Specialist | Abilene | 4403 | susan.tucker@cisco.edu |
Turner, Rikki | Adjunct Dual Credit Math Instructor | rikki.turner@cisco.edu | ||
Twehous, Logan | QB Coach / So-Offensive Coordinator | Logan.Twehous@cisco.edu | ||
Usera, Helen | Director of Development & Grants Management | Abilene | helen.usera@cisco.edu | |
Vaughan, William | Director of Institutional Effectiveness | William.Vaughan@cisco.edu | ||
Vaughn, Jonna | Adjunct Nursing Instructor | Abilene | jonna.vaughn@cisco.edu | |
Vega, Cameron | Assistant Baseball Coach | Cisco | 5169 | cameron.vega@cisco.edu |
Viertel, Maggie | Professor of Mathematics, Chemistry, Geology | Cisco | maggie.viertel@cisco.edu | |
Vincent, Jeanette | Nursing Instructor | Abilene | 4456 | jeanette.vincent@cisco.edu |
Waddington, James (Jimmy) | Division Chair of Workforce Education/HVAC Professor | Abilene | james.waddington@cisco.edu | |
Waggoner, Austin | PT Security | Cisco | austin.waggoner@cisco.edu | |
Wallis, Julie | Professor of Biology | Abilene | 4418 | julie.wallis@cisco.edu |
Walthall, Joseph | Campus Security Officer | Cisco | Joseph.walthall@cisco.edu | |
Ward, Stephen | Adjunct Instructor-Welding | Abilene | stephen.ward@cisco.edu | |
Watson, Robert | Professor of Physics | Abilene | 5139 | robert.watson@cisco.edu |
Watts, Cole | Adjunct Instructor - Business | cole.watts@cisco.edu | ||
Webb, Alan | Adjunct Instructor - English | Abilene | alan.webb@cisco.edu | |
Wedeking, Colton | Director of Marketing & Public Relations | Abilene | 4509 | colton.wedeking@cisco.edu |
Whitcomb, Kathryn | Adjunct Instructor - Nursing | Abilene | kathryn.whitcomb@cisco.edu | |
White, David | Professor of Kinesiology Baseball Head Coach | Cisco | 5172 | david.white@cisco.edu |
White, Shae | Registrar | Cisco | 5131 | shae.white@cisco.edu |
Widener, Terri | Library - Serial Assistant / Student Worker Coordinator | Cisco | 5182 | terri.widener@cisco.edu |
Wilson, DeMarcus | Assistant Football / Dorm Supervisor | Cisco | demarcus.wilson@cisco.edu | |
Wilson, Michelle | Director of Respiratory Care Program | Abilene | 4506 | michelle.wilson@cisco.edu |
Wilson, Tammi | Admissions Specialist | Cisco | 5132 | tammi.wilson@cisco.edu |
Williams, Jeremy | Adjunct Instructor - Fire Technology | Abilene | jeremy.williams@cisco.edu | |
Williams, Linda | Adjunct Instructor - Accounting & Business Systems Technology | Abilene | linda.williams@cisco.edu | |
Winter, Michael | Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - English | Rising Star HS Moran HS | michael.winter@cisco.edu | |
Wise, Sarah | Professor of Biology | Abilene | 4459 | sarah.wise@cisco.edu |
Wood, Jenna | Director of Wrangler Belles Dance / Drill Team & Cheer Coach | Cisco | jenna.wood@cisco.edu | |
Woody, Spencer | Interim Director of Nursing & ADN Clinical Instructor | spencer.woody@cisco.edu | ||
Wrangler Express Newspaper | Cisco | 5057 | wrangler.express@cisco.edu | |
Wright, Alford | Cisco Custodial | |||
Wright, Jackie | Custodian | Cisco | jackie.wright@cisco.edu | |
Wright, Kathie | Professor of Psychology | Abilene | 4427 | kathie.wright@cisco.edu |
Wright, Rylie | HVAC Professor | Abilene | rylie.wright@cisco.edu | |
Writing Center - Abilene | Abilene | 4431 | ||
York, Keighly | Adjunct Instructor - English | Dual Credit | keighly.york@cisco.edu | |
Yost, Carolyn | Adjunct Instructor - Biology Lab | Abilene | carolyn.yost@cisco.edu |