Career Services
Cisco College offers several services designed to assist students in their career search, including:
- Career testing
- Job Board with full and part-time job postings
- Resource library to maintain current information regarding job search and careers
- Assist students and graduates with job search skills such as resume writing, interviewing skills and researching job markets
FOCUS 2 Career Assessment
FOCUS 2 is a self-paced, online career and education planning tool for college students that is designed to help you make decisions about future career goals and education plans. FOCUS 2 provides five self-assessments to help you identify your top work interests, values, skills, personality type, and leisure time interests and explore occupations and major areas of study compatible with your personal attributes. Students use FOCUS 2 to help choose or change their major and also verify their choice of a career field.
To get started on FOCUS 2:
- First time users: Create a new account.
- Use the following ACCESS CODE when prompted: wrangler - Returning users: Log on (using the account you have already created)
Using FOCUS 2
The layout of FOCUS 2 is designed to walk you through the first steps of your career planning process. Most students start at the top of the home page and work their way down, but you may want to visit some of the “Recommended Tools and Websites” at any stage in your process.
Other Resources:
- Job Interview Questions
- Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Abilene Works
- Texas Workforce Commission
- Texas Job Hunter's Guide
- The Career Key
- Monster
- LinkedIn Jobs
- ZipRecruiter
- CollegeGrad
Look for entry-level positions, explore different careers, and read tips for resumes and interviews - Free Resume Templates
A guide that will help you select the right resume template - CTE (Career & Technical Education) STUDENT EXIT REVIEW

Contact the Career Services Coordinator
Sherry Burchell
(Abilene Campus Only)
(325) 794-4464