
Welcome to the Cisco College Testing Center!

The Testing Center will be glad to work with you to schedule an exam. Testing Center hours vary by semester and location, and some dates are reserved for specific testing such as the GED or HESI A2. Please see below for information on specific tests.

Testing is conducted in a large group setting. Computer seats are spaced 3 feet apart. Testers are welcome to wear a mask if desired.

For the complete list of policies for the Cisco College Testing Center, see the Testing Center Policy Manual.

Abilene Campus Testing CenterCisco Campus Testing Center
717 E. Industrial Blvd.
Abilene TX, 79602
Room 9
101 College Heights
Cisco, TX 76437
Room 31B
Monday: 8:00-6:30
Tuesday: 8:00-5:00
Wednesday: 8:00-4:00
Thursday: 8:00-4:00
Friday: 8:00-12:00
Monday: 8:00-4:30
Tuesday: 8:00-4:30
Wednesday: 8:00-4:30
Thursday: 8:00-4:30
Friday: 8:00-2:00 (Fall/Spring)
Friday: 8:00-12:00 (Summer)

TSIA2 Placement Test Information

All students entering Cisco College must take the TSIA2 (unless you are exempt). The TSIA2 is composed of two sections: Math and ELAR (English Language Arts Reading). Each of these sections contains up to two parts. Testers may be required to take one or both sections of the test. Testers who need both sections are not required to take both sections in one testing session. They may choose to schedule each section on a different day.

Please visit the Texas Success Initiative section of the Cisco website for information about exemptions and which section(s) a student will need to take.

If you have applied to Cisco College, click here to schedule a TSIA2 test.

If you are attending a college other than Cisco College and need to test, please contact testing@cisco.edu.

  • TSIA2 Preparation
  • About the Test
    • The TSIA2 is untimed, so the time necessary to complete the exam will vary. However, as a guide, allow approximately 1-2 hours per section. Allow additional time after completing the test to talk with a counselor for an explanation of TSIA2 test scores. Students still testing at closing time will have the test saved and will schedule a time to return and complete the exam.
    • Scheduling for the TSIA2 is done by email (testing@cisco.edu).
    • The TSIA2 requires a Pre-Assessment Activity be completed prior to testing. The link to this can be found on the Cisco website under Admissions/Testing/TSIA2 Preparation or by clicking here. After completing the pre-assessment slide show, complete and submit the Pre-Assessment Verification Form.
    • The TSIA2 is composed of multiple choice questions and is taken completely on the computer. The ELAR section includes an essay which is also typed on the computer.
    • The TSIA2 test fee must be paid prior to being allowed to test. This fee is payable by cash, money order (made out to Cisco College), debit card, MasterCard, VISA, Discover, or American Express. The fee per section is:
      • Math - $12
      • ELAR - $24
      • Both Sections - $36
    • Testers will need to know their Cisco College Student ID number for the test.
    • Testers must present a current and valid photo ID. Acceptable forms of photo ID are: driver's license, state-approved or federal ID, military ID, college ID, high school ID, middle school ID, passport, tribal ID, naturalization card or certificate of citizenship, or the College Board Student ID Form.
    • No food, beverages or tobacco products are allowed in the Testing Center.
    • Candidates are not permitted to bring their own writing instruments into the testing room.
    • Personal items, including electronic devices such as watches, and cell phones are not allowed in the Testing Center. Lockers are provided for these small personal items or small purses. Large items such as books, large purses, and backpacks are not allowed in the Testing Center and secure storage is not available for these items.
    • Outside calculators (unless for a prescribed accommodation) are prohibited when taking the TSIA2.
    • By testing at either campus of Cisco College, testers are agreeing to abide by the Cisco College Testing Center policies, Guidelines, and TSIA2 Placement Test Information. For complete information concerning policies, see the Cisco College Testing Center Policy Manual.
    • Testers seeking special accommodations for the TSIA2 must contact the Disability Services Coordinator with their documentation prior to scheduling for the TSIA2. You can find the contact information for the Disability Services Coordinators by clicking the "Students with Disabilities" link at the bottom of the page.
    • All TSIA/TSIA2 test scores are valid for five years from the date of testing.

    *You will not be allowed to open other tabs, windows or applications during your test session.

  • What to Bring
    • Current and Valid Photo ID
    • Cisco College Student ID number

Proctored Testing For Other Colleges

The Testing Center is able to schedule proctored testing for faculty exams for colleges other than Cisco College for a fee of $20 per proctored exam test session. Exams are proctored by appointment during regular Testing Center hours. A completed Faculty Information Form must be received by the Testing Center from the instructor prior to scheduling. To obtain the form and schedule a proctored exam for another college, please contact testing@cisco.edu.

Cisco College can only accommodate online tests which utilize hardware and software currently provided by the Testing Center. Please check with the Testing Center before scheduling if you feel your test may require specialized hardware, software or lockdown browsers.

HESI A2 Testing Information

HESI A2 for LVN to ADN Bridge Program Applicants

The Testing Center on the Abilene campus offers the HESI A2 during specific date ranges according to the application deadline for the class currently accepting applications. Testers must be applicants to the Cisco College LVN to ADN Bridge program and must take the HESI A2 at Cisco College. Testing for each class will only be available during a specific date rage and must be completed prior to the application deadline.

Testers may only test with the class to which they are applying.

Contact the Testing Center (testing@cisco.edu) to determine specific sign-up dates and testing availability.

August class with May 31 deadline - HESI A2 offered in March, April and May

January class with October 31 deadline - HESI A2 offered in October

  • About the Test

    Applicants to the Cisco College LVN to ADN Bridge Program must take the HESI A2 exam at Cisco College. Please contact the Testing Center on the Abilene campus for the current HESI A2 test dates.

    • Testers must be applicants to the LVN to ADN Bridge Program at Cisco College.
    • Cisco College VN graduates with a passing VN HESI A2 score must complete the application process, but will not be required to retake the ADN HESI A2 for admission up to one (1) year after graduation from the VN program.
    • Testers must present a current and valid photo ID.
    • For LVN to ADN Bridge Program applicants, the HESI A2 is composed of four multiple-choice sections and is taken completely on the computer. The sections are: Reading Comprehension, Grammar, Vocabulary, and Critical Thinking.
    • Applicants will have four hours to complete all four sections.
    • The Testing Center provides blank scratch paper and non-mechanical #2 pencils. Testers are not permitted to bring their own writing instruments into the testing room.
    • The Nursing Department requires a minimum score of 65% on each HESI A2 test section and a minimum cumulative score of 70% in order to apply to a nursing program. Testers, who score below a 65% on any section(s), will be required to retest over that section(s) in order to continue the application process. Testers who score below a 70% on any section(s) will have the option to retest on that section(s). Testers may only retest one time and may not retest on a section(s) in which they score a 70% or higher. Testers are responsible to contact the Testing Center to schedule their retest during the dates specified for their test session. The cost of the retest is $65.
    • No food, beverages or tobacco products are allowed in the Testing Center.
    • Walk-in testers are not accepted for the HESI A2.
    • Only testers and Cisco College personnel are allowed in the Testing Center.
    • Personal items, including backpacks and electronic devices such as watches and cell phones, are not allowed in the Testing Center. If you bring other items (including watches and cell phones), you will be asked to store them in a Testing Center locker or return them to your vehicle.
    • The HESI A2 is only one part of the application for the LVN to ADN Bridge program. Applicants must email the Health Sciences counselor (prehealthsciences@cisco.edu), in order to complete a Program Requirements Checklist prior to signing up for the HESI A2. You may not register for the HESI A2 if you do not meet the minimum requirements for the LVN to ADN Bridge program.
    • HESI A2 test fees are nonrefundable.

  • How to Sign Up for the HESI A2
    1. Complete the LVN to ADN Bridge Program Requirements Checklist to ensure that you are eligible for the program (see above).
    2. Contact the Testing Center by email (testing@cisco.edu) to confirm that your checklist has been received and that you have been cleared to schedule and pay.
    3. Follow the payment instructions in the reply email from the Testing Center. HESI A2 test fees are non-refundable. Steps 1 & 2 (above) must be completed before payment is made.
    4. After the Testing Center receives notification of your payment from the Business Office, you will receive a confirmation email with important information.
    5. Go to evolve.elsevier.com and create a username and password. Be sure to bring this username and password with you on the day you test. You will not be able to create an Evolve account at your test session.
    6. HESI A2 test fees are nonrefundable. Due to the high demand for HESI A2, if you miss the date on which you are scheduled to test, it will be necessary to get special permission to sign up again. If you feel extenuating circumstances have caused you to miss your test date, please see the Health Sciences counselor.
  • What to Bring on Test Day
    • A current photo ID
    • Your Evolve username and password

HESI A2 for Applicants to the Cisco College VN Program

The Testing Center on the Abilene campus offers the HESI A2 during specific date ranges according to the application deadline for the class currently accepting applications. Testers must be applicants to the Cisco College VN program and must take the HESI A2 at Cisco College. Testing for each class will only be available during a specific date rage and must be completed prior to the application deadline.

Testers may only test with the class to which they are applying.

Contact the Testing Center (testing@cisco.edu) to determine specific sign-up dates and testing availability.

  • January class with October 15 application deadline - sign-ups begin in September
  • May class with February 15 application deadline - sign-ups begin in January
  • August class with June 15-application deadline - sign-ups begin in May
  • About the Test

    Applicants to the Cisco College VN Program must take the HESI A2 exam at Cisco College. Please contact the Testing Center on the Abilene campus for the current VN HESI A2 test dates.

    • Testers must be applicants to the VN program at Cisco College.
    • Testers may only test with the class to which they are applying.
    • Testers must present a current and valid photo ID.
    • For VN applicants, the HESI A2 is composed of five multiple choice sections and is taken completely on the computer. The sections are: Math, Reading Comprehension, Grammar, Vocabulary, and Critical Thinking.
    • Applicants will have five hours to complete all five sections. The HESI A2 must be completed in one sitting.
    • No outside calculators are allowed. A calculator is available in the exam itself.
    • The Testing Center provides blank scratch paper and non-mechanical #2 pencils. Testers are not permitted to bring their own writing instruments into the testing room.
    • The Nursing Department requires a minimum score of 65% on each HESI A2 test section and a minimum cumulative score of 70% in order to apply to a nursing program. Testers, who score below a 65% on any section(s), will be required to retest over that section(s) in order to continue the application process. Testers who score below a 70% on any section(s) will have the option to retest on that section(s). Testers may only retest one time and may not retest on a section(s) in which they score a 70% or higher. Testers are responsible to contact the Testing Center to schedule their retest during the dates specified for their test session. The cost of the retest is $65.
    • Walk-in testers are not accepted for the HESI A2.
    • No food, beverages or tobacco products are allowed in the Testing Center.
    • Only testers and Cisco College personnel are allowed in the Testing Center.
    • Personal items, including backpacks and electronic devices such as watches and cell phones, are not allowed in the Testing Center. If you bring other items (including watches and cell phones), you will be asked to store them in a Testing Center locker or return them to your vehicle.
    • The HESI A2 is only one part of the application for the VN program. Applicants must email the Health Sciences counselor (prehealthsciences@cisco.edu), in order to complete a Program Requirements Checklist prior to signing up for the HESI A2. You may not register for the HESI A2 if you do not meet the minimum requirements for the VN program.
    • HESI A2 test fees are nonrefundable.
  • How to Sign Up for the HESI A2
    1. Complete the VN Program Requirements Checklist to ensure that you are eligible for the program (see "About the Test").
    2. Contact the Testing Center by email (testing@cisco.edu) to determine what date is available and to confirm that your checklist has been received and that you have been cleared to pay.
    3. Follow the payment instructions in the reply email from the Testing Center. HESI A2 test fees are non-refundable. Steps 1 & 2 (above) must be completed before payment is made.
    4. After the Testing Center receives notification of your payment from the Business Office, you will receive a confirmation email with important information.
    5. Go to evolve.elsevier.com and create a username and password. Be sure to bring this username and password with you on the day you test. You will not be able to create an Evolve account at your test session.
    6. HESI A2 test fees are nonrefundable. Due to the high demand for HESI A2, if you miss the date on which you are scheduled to test, it will be necessary to get special permission to sign up again. If you feel extenuating circumstances have caused you to miss your test date, please see the Health Sciences counselor.
  • What to Bring on Test Day
    • A photo ID
    • Your Evolve username and password

Credit By Examination (CLEP)

Cisco College recognizes credit by examination for the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), the Advance Placement Program (AP) and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IB). Students that score high enough on select exams may receive credit for coursework at Cisco College. Other institutions have varying policies on accepting credit by examination so a student wishing to transfer this credit to another institution needs to check with that institution regarding their policy. Click here for a full listing of credit by examination opportunities. Cisco College's School Code for CLEP and AP is 6096. For more information about CLEP testing, please visit https://clep.collegeboard.org/