The Campus Safety Department was started in the summer of 2007 to help provide a safe working and learning environment for students, faculty and staff. The department was created to assist both the Cisco Campus and Abilene Campus in meeting this goal.
The Campus Safety Department also provides nighttime security staffing at the Cisco Campus and assists the contract security staff at the Abilene Campus.
In 2014, the decision was made to enhance services at Cisco College by creating a law enforcement component to the department. Currently the Director of Campus Safety is a licensed and sworn Texas Peace Officer and oversees the main campus security staff and contract security at the AEC.
This department does not replace other emergency response organizations; instead we work with them to enhance their ability to provide service to our campus communities.
Need to Reach Campus Security?
Call (254) 442-5034 to reach a member of the Cisco College Campus Security team.
Report Threats Online - Texas Department of Public Safety
Cisco College Police Authority and Jurisdiction
Cisco College Police Officers have the complete authority to apprehend and arrest anyone involved in illegal acts as granted to them by the State of Texas. The Cisco College Campus Safety Police Department provides services to the Cisco Campus and Abilene Campus as well as any property controlled by the College or any person acting on the College’s behalf. If minor offenses involving Cisco College rules and regulations are committed by a Cisco College student, the department may also refer the individual for appropriate disciplinary action.
Cisco College Police personnel work closely with local, state and federal agencies. Any Cisco College owned or leased property in outlying areas is patrolled either by Cisco College Campus Safety Police or local Abilene law enforcement. Through coordination with local law enforcement agencies, any criminal activity engaged in by students at off-campus locations of student organizations is monitored and recorded. This information is provided to the Dean of Students office for any action or follow-up that may be required.
Cisco College Police Department Mission
The mission of the Cisco College Police Department is to effectively and efficiently provide for the protection of lives and property, preserve the public peace, and provide needed community services with the highest level of professionalism and ethical standards.
The mission will be fostered through our Core Values:
- INTEGRITY - The Cisco College Police Department is built upon a foundation of ethical and professional conduct. We are committed to the highest level of moral principles and ethics. All members of the department will adhere to the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics.
- HONESTY - We will be truthful and trustworthy at all times.
- FAIRNESS - We are committed to equal application of the law to offenders and members of the public as well as the equal application of rules and regulations to all members of the department.
- COURAGE - We are dedicated to meeting all challenges with the courage needed to accomplish our mission.
- COMPASSION - We understand our role as community caretakers and temper our application of the law with compassion and empathy.
Campus Climate Survey
All current and incoming students please respond to the Campus Climate Survey.
Emergency Alert Notification System

This system will notify employees, students and staff in emergency or weather-related closings.
At present all current students and staff are automatically uploaded to the campus alert system.
To Opt Out of alerts:
- Upon receiving confirmation that your information has been added to Omnilert you may select Opt Out to decline participation
To Opt In to receive alerts:
- Visit Omnilert
- Select "sign-up" and create a user account
It is the intention of this department to meet the goals of successful health and safety planning with training at both facilities for students, faculty and staff.
In case of emergency: Dial 911 | Cisco College Police Non-Emergency: (254) 442-5034 |
Sex Offender Registration Information
In accordance with the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act of 2000, which amends the Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offender Registration Act, the Jeanne Clery Act and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, this link to the Texas Department of Public Safety Sex Offender Registry is provided for your convenience.