Selective Service

Men age 18 through 25 must have a valid social security number in our system in order to register online. If you cannot register online because there is an error with your social security number, or you are an immigrant male, use the fillable registration form to complete, print, sign and date, and mail.

Register Online

Men, age 18 through 25, living in the United States, with a social security number, register with Selective Service here.

Outside US Register Online

U.S. male citizens, age 18 through 25, living OUTSIDE the United States, with a social security number and who are required to register with Selective Service, register here.

Fillable Form

Fillable Registration Form

If you have a social security number and you are not able to register online, or if you do not have a social security number, or if you are an immigrant male (documented or undocumented) age 18 through 25, please complete the fillable registration form here.

You may complete this fillable registration form, print, sign, and mail to:

Selective Service System
P.O. Box 94739
Palatine, IL 60094-4739


NOTE: This is a secure site. The information you provide on this form is protected as it travels to Selective Service over the internet.

Information Collected on the Registration Form

The only information a man provides when he registers with Selective Service is his:

  • Full name
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • Social security number, if he has one, and
  • Current mailing address

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