Cisco College offers optional pathways to a career in nursing. LVN's can obtain an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) in one year. The LVN to RN program is a 12-month nursing program that begins in the Fall and Spring of each year.
Not an LVN yet? Cisco College can help!
As part of Cisco College’s partnership with Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Nursing in Abilene, all graduates of our ADN program are guaranteed a spot in Texas Tech’s RN to BSN program. The LVN to RN Bridge option prepares the graduate to take the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). The Board of Nursing must grant licensure as a registered nurse for the State of Texas.
Prerequisites for Texas Tech’s RN to BSN may be taken at Cisco (Abilene), followed by two semesters of online coursework through Texas Tech to finish a BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing). Students seeking to begin their nursing career at the BSN level can complete all their general education courses at Cisco College.
Application Procedure
The LVN to RN program accepts a limited number of students, so the admittance process is deliberate and decisive. The application procedures must be completed no later than May 31st for August and October 31st for January classes. Contact the Health Science counselor for application details at
- Apply to Cisco College. Prospective nursing students must have completed the Cisco College general admission application and be enrolled as a student of Cisco College.
- Must be TSI complete or college-ready in Reading, Writing, and Math.
- Must submit official copies of all college transcripts regardless of classes or grades.
- Must fulfill the Cisco College requirements for the AAS degree.
- Must be a high school graduate or have a GED.
- Students who attended another nursing program before applying to Cisco College must submit a Letter of Good Standing from the Program Director at the previous institution.
- Must be an LVN licensed to practice in the state of Texas. Students who recently graduated from the Cisco College VN program can apply prior to taking the NCLEX but must pass the NCLEX to remain in the program.
- Must submit a current, complete nursing program application available in the Health Sciences counselor's office (Separate from the general college application).
- Must have completed the Hep B immunization series of 3 shots or provide serologic confirmation of immunity to the Hepatitis B virus.
- Complete the Health Education Systems Incorporated (HESI A-2) Admission Assessment Test during one of our scheduled testing sessions. The test includes the following subjects: Reading Comprehension, Grammar, Vocabulary, and Critical Thinking. The preferred pass rate for applicants taking the HESI test is a score of 70% or higher on each section and the Cumulative score. A minimum score of 65% on each test section will be accepted, but the overall cumulative score must be 70% or higher to apply. Testers who score below 65% on any section must retest over that section(s). Testers who score below 70% on any section(s) can retest on that section(s) if needed. Testers may only retest one time and may not retest on a section(s) in which they score 70% or higher. Cisco College VN graduates who wish to continue their education in the LVN-ADN program do not have to retake the HESI for admission up to one (1) year after graduation from the VN program.
- Preferred GPA of 3.0 or higher.
- Completion of an interview. The nursing department will email you with a day and time for the interview after you have submitted your nursing application.
- Cisco VN graduates who wish to continue their education in the LVN-ADN program have automatic admission up to one (1) year after graduation from the VN program. Cisco VN graduates with a passing VN HESI score are not required to take the ADN HESI. They must complete the application process but will not be required to sit for an interview or retake the ADN HESI for admission up to one (1) year after graduation from the VN program.
- Students may apply with three final prerequisites in progress; however, these classes must be completed with a "C" or better prior to the start of the program to maintain eligibility.
BIOL 2421 Microbiology (4 Hours)
BIOL 2401 Anatomy & Physiology I (4 Hours)
BIOL 2402 Anatomy & Physiology II (4 Hours)
HPRS 2301 Pathophysiology (3 Hours)
PSYC 2301 General Psychology (3 Hours)
PSYC 2314 Lifespan Growth & Development (3 Hours)
ENGL 1301 Composition I (3 Hours)
LVN to ADN students will need 3 hours of either ARTS 1301 (Art Appreciation) or MUSI 1306 (Music Appreciation) as their Creative Arts class. If a student chooses, they may alternatively take 3 hours of any Literature class beginning with ENGL 23xx (Language, Philosophy and Culture, or Creative Arts credit). If the student plans to continue to Texas Tech to complete their BSN, they will need to complete whichever category they did not use for their ADN program. If they do not plan to continue, they may choose which category they want to use to complete the ADN program.
If you believe you are ready to apply to any of the Nursing programs, please complete the Nursing Programs Screening Form.
Please see pages 111-113 of the Cisco College Course Catalog for complete course information.
About this Program
Degrees & Certifications | Program Length |
Associate of Applied Science Degree | 3 Semesters/12 Months |
What Can This Program Do For You
Potential Career Paths
- Registered Nurse
- Nurse Practitioner
- Nursing Assistant
- Clinical Nursing
- Pediatric Nursing
Salary Information
Links to the following websites are provided for your convenience and information and do not constitute official endorsement by Cisco College.
- The Bureau of Labor Statistics ‘Occupational Outlook Handbook’ can help you find career information on duties, education and training, pay, and outlook for hundreds of occupations.
- Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, Career One Stop is a resource for career exploration, training, skill sets, wages & jobs.
First Semester-Spring Second Semester-Fall RNSG 1118 Transition to Professional Nursing 1 Language, Philosophy & Culture, or Creative Arts * 3 RNSG 1128 Introduction to Health Care Concepts 1 RNSG 1137 Professional Nursing Concepts III 1 RNSG 1361 Clinical Transition 3 RNSG 1538 Health Care Concepts III 5 RNSG 1424 Concept-Based Transition to Professional Nursing 4 RNSG 2360 Clinical III 3 RNSG 1331 Principles of Clinical Decision-Making 3 TOTAL 12 TOTAL 12 Third Semester RNSG 2230 Professional Nursing
Review2 RNSG 2238 Professional Nursing
Concepts IV2 RNSG 2361 Clinical IV 3 RNSG 2539 Health Care
Concepts IV5 TOTAL 12 TOTAL DEGREE HOURS 60 * See core curriculum course options.
Capstone: Departmental Exam
HESI Exams required throughout program -
It’s challenging, and that’s beneficial because when you get out there in the real nursing world, it’s not like you’re bombarded because you’ve been coddled. That’s really important for us and our prospective patients.
– Rebecca Kennedy
Meet the Faculty

Tracey Cunningham BSN, RN
Simulation Coordinator & Associate Degree Nursing Clinical Instructor
Abilene Campus
Brynn Martinez BSN, RN
Associate Degree Nursing Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Abilene Campus
Chelsea Mask MSN, RN, NPD-BC
Associate Degree Nursing Adjunct Remediation/Retention Specialist
Abilene Campus

Anna Morgan MSN, RN
Associate Degree Nursing Professor
Abilene Campus

Stephanie Munshower MSN, RN, CLNC
Associate Degree Nursing Professor
Abilene Campus

Rebecca Perkins MSN, APRN, FNP-C
Associate Degree Nursing Adjunct Remediation/Retention Specialist and Instructor
Abilene Campus